Children's Education Ministry


Sunday School 9:00-10:00 aM

In-person Sunday school meets at 9:00-10:00 a.m. during the school year for preschool-1st grade (room 010), and grades 2-5 (room 007) in the parking lot level classrooms. Each room has a HEPA air filter. Masking is optional for teachers and children.

We are blessed to have wonderful Sunday School teachers who make bible stories come alive as they get to know each child.   We hope children will feel at home, ask questions, and grow in their knowledge and love of God.  Preschool and elementary classes use Sparkhouse’s “Spark” curriculum.

Worship 10:30 aM

Wiggly children of all ages are invited to participate in worship in the sanctuary at 10:30-11:30 a.m..  Children are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary early in the service for an age-appropriate message, after which they may return to their pew or young children may go to the nursery.

Children’s bulletins are available near the sanctuary doors. Children’s books, worship activity bags, and visual schedules are available in the narthex located just outside the sanctuary. Feel free to use these resources during worship and return them after the service.

BPC has a sensory room called the Calm Corner. This space is located behind the door near the cookie table in the Gathering Space. The room has multisensory equipment to provide support for children or adults who need a calm space before, during, or after worship. Children and youth must be accompanied by an adult.

Nursery & God's Garden

Nursery care is offered at 9:00 a.m. during Sunday school during the school year, and year-round during worship at 10:30-11:30 a.m. for babies up to age 3. Please fill sign-in children in the nursery.

God’s Garden welcomes preschoolers and Kindergarteners for a time of nurture and supervised play during worship after the children’s message (around 10:40 am). Please sign-in each child.

The nursery and preschool rooms can be found downstairs next to the elevator, or by entering from the parking lot door and turning left.

Two adults, who have passed a background check, provide care in rooms with HEPA air filters.


Vacation Bible School

“Road Trip! On The Go With God”

Sunday - Wednesday, June 8-11, 2025, 5:30-8pm

Contact Susan Bailey at for information.


Family Fellowship & Service Events

The Children's Ministry hosts several fellowship events for the entire church-family during the year such as pumpkin carving, a gingerbread house decorating potluck dinner, game day, and Easter Egg Hunt.  Check out the calendar to see upcoming events! Children help others by collecting food for the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry.  Join us as we share God's love with one another.

Parent's Morning Out (PMO)

Our program is open Monday through Thursday mornings from 9am - 12pm.  Children may register to attend one to four days a week, depending on needs of your family and child. The program is designed for children 16 months and walking through 4 years old. For more information check out the information sheet below or email Kristy at

PMO Information and Registration Form