Advocacy & International Mission
The Advocacy and International Mission Ministry (AIM) of Blacksburg Presbyterian Church works to deepen the awareness and participation of the BPC congregation in advocacy and social justice activities. We do this by encouraging dialogue among differing views, identifying and addressing situations of violence and injustice, and providing support for organizations acting to promote peace and justice locally and globally, and by engaging with programs of the PC(USA) and its agencies.
The AIM team meets monthly at BPC and is chaired by Rachel Parson. For date and time check out the BPC Calendar. All are welcome.
Global Mission Partner & Engagement
Philippines - Cobbie Palm and Dessa Quesada-Palm, Mission Co-workers
Please use this prayer card as you pray for our family and our work in the Philippines.
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Peace/Advocacy Projects
Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) - an annual conference in Washington, D.C. which provides participants with tools to be effective Christian witnesses in a variety of ways.
Cents-Ability - Offering through the Presbytery and The Presbyterian Hunger Program that provides food for those in need and engages youth to collect food and money donations while learning about food security issues. Donations are received at BPC the third Sunday of each month.