Fellowship and Hospitality
There are a number of fellowship events throughout the year. These are meant to foster relationships in a friendly environment. They are a great place for you to make connections and to invite your neighbors. Some of these events include Faith on Tap, Gingerbread Gathering, Game Night, Movie Night and more. You will find more information about these happenings on the calendar.
Congregational Care
Through the Congregational Care Ministry, working with the deacons, we express the love of Christ for those in our church family who are experiencing sorrow, illness, bereavement, or who have other special needs. If you can drive, cook or shop, pay a visit, plan a reception, make a phone call, or pray, then you have a place in this ministry. Click here to learn more about how you can help with, or benefit from, Congregational Care.
There are 4 ways to join the congregation:
Baptism and profession of faith for the first time,
Transfer letter from another congregation,
Reaffirmation of faith after a period of inactivity,
and members of other congregations may have affiliate memberships with us while away from their home church.
If you have been coming to BPC for a while and are interested in more information about formally joining the church please contact us. We would love the opportunity to discuss this further with you!