What happens on Sundays?
This is our typical Sunday schedule during the school year. See the calendar for up to date information.
9:00 AM
Nursery Care, Children's Sunday School, and Youth Sunday School in various classrooms. There is care and programming for all children from birth through 12th grade.
Adult Sunday School, usually in Westminster Library. Westminster Library is located to your left when you get off the elevator or come to the top of the stairs from the parking lot entrance.
10:30 AM
Worship Service begins
Fellowship time after worship with lemonade and cookies
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Youth Group for 6th-12th graders meets on Sunday evenings. Dinner is provided.
What is worship like?
Worship at BPC is beautiful, reverent, and joyful. It’s always participatory. We put particular emphasis on music and an engagement with scripture that connects with daily life.
How will I know what’s going to happen in worship?
Everyone receives a bulletin when they arrive. There are large print versions available. It lists everything that’s going to happen and indicates what songs we will sing, when the congregation will say things together, and when you’re invited to sit or stand, as you’re comfortable.
Where should I park?
The easiest place to park is in the lot at the corner of Church St. and Hemlock Dr.. You can enter the building through the parking lot door and come up one flight of stairs. This will bring you to the Gathering Space. The Narthex (fancy word for lobby) of the Sanctuary will be in front of you through a set of double doors.
There is also street parking on all sides of the church, with entrances on Penn St., Eakin St., and Church St. For safety, the parking lot and Penn St. doors are locked at 10:30am. The front and Eakin St. doors remain open throughout the morning.
I prefer not to use stairs. Where should I park?
You can still park in the lot and come in through the door. Go just past the stairs and turn left and you will see an elevator that will take you to the Gathering Space (on the first floor). The other entrances are all also wheelchair accessible with either a flat entrance (Penn St.) or a ramp (Eakin St. and Church St.).
Do you offer hearing assistance?
BPC has listening devices that can be used with headphones. Feel free to use the headphones provided or bring your own. If you would like to use a hearing device during the service, ask an usher and they will help you.
What should I wear?
Wear what makes you comfortable. You will find people in suits and dresses and others in ripped jeans or joggers. God accepts you no matter what—and so do we!
What about my kids?
Children are welcomed and loved at BPC—just as they are. Noisy, squirmy, curious kiddos are particularly beloved.
Infants and children up to 3 years old are welcome in the service or you may take them downstairs to the nursery before the service begins. An usher can help you find the Nursery. Nursery care is also available during Sunday school before worship during the school year.
All children are encouraged to be present for the first portion of the service and take part in Sharing Faith with Children where children come to the front of the sanctuary for a time just for them. Afterwards children up through Kindergarten are invited to go downstairs to God's Garden for a time of play and nurture. They will be escorted by caregivers. If you would like to take your child there yourself, you are more than welcome to do so.
We have worship bags with activities for different ages, as well as a variety of books and children’s bulletins for children (or adults!) to engage with during worship.
Who is working with the children in the Nursery, God's Garden, and Sunday School?
We take children’s safety very seriously. Background checks are completed on all adults who work with children, whether they are volunteer church members or paid staff. There will be at least two adults with your children at all times.
What if I or someone in my family needs a sensory space or safe place to go if feeling overwhelmed?
BPC has a sensory room called the Calm Corner. This space is located behind the door near the cookie table in the Gathering Space. The room has multisensory equipment to provide support for children or adults who need a calm space before, during, or after worship. Children and youth must be accompanied by an adult.