Pray Without Ceasing...

  • for the family and friends of Anna Mitchell, who died on June 16. Anna and her husband Glen were longtime members of BPC in the past, and Anna was the children's choir director for many years. Please hold them in prayer during this time of grief.

  • for Shane and Rachel Parson and the entire family and friends of Sandy Parson who died June 17. Let us surround them with our love and prayers.

  • for the family of Susan and Ross Verbrugge at the death of Ross’ father, Jim Verbrugge, on June 10. Please hold them in your prayers during this difficult time.

  • for all those continuing to try to find a way to peace in Palestine and Israel. We mourn the continuing loss of life and pray for all of those suffering in the present violence, for all who have lost loved ones, all who have fled the fighting, all who lie down in fear at night. We pray for the will to make peace, the willingness to set aside the endless need for vengeance, and for leaders who can find a path to healing.

  • for those friends and members of BPC, and in our community who are struggling with physical and mental health challenges. May they and their loved ones feel comforted and supported.

  • for all those struggling to have enough to eat, to live in safety, to feel loved, and to have hope.

  • for people who are lonely and weary, may they find peace and comfort in God's presence.

  • as our planet warms and issues of climate change continually confront us, give us courage, hope, imagination, motivation and insight. We pray for those who are most affected.  Give us urgency and international unity of purpose and will in combating and mitigating climate trends.  Help us love and protect our Creator's world.

  • for our local community and global community to support each other as we oppose racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, and oppression.

  • for people throughout the world who live in one of the more than 30 countries experiencing war right now. We pray especially for women and children who bear the biggest burdens, for military and political leaders who need to hear the voices of peace, and for church leaders as they speak out against violence and for security and an end to fighting. We are overwhelmed and exhausted by the brokenness of your world. We pray that your longed-for reign of peace will become a present reality for all people.

  • for our country, we pray that we find a way out of political turmoil in a way that honors everyone's right to have a voice and to be treated with compassion and justice.

  • for the people of Guatemala as they are hopeful for positive change with their new presidential leadership. 

  • as we struggle with gun violence again and again, and know that our prayers alone are not enough, though we cannot seem to find a helpful way forward. We pray for justice, peace, and societal wisdom.

  • for Dessa and Cobbie Palm, our mission partners in the Philippines, and their continued work with the youth in community, clean water access, and sustainability of local resources.

  • for our partners and friends in CEDEPCA in Guatemala, and for our co-workers, Betsey and Eric Moe and their family.

  • for our friends in Mulanje, Malawi, working to meet ongoing health, educational and food-producing needs.

  • for Jeananne and Allen Bame, Steve and Marcia Andrews, Mary Jane and Bill Henika, Stan and Janne Mathes, Renee Lahn, Nancy Alexander, Wilmoth O’Dell, Bill Foy, and Lynn Logan Hull and her family.

  • for those in the military: Luke Phillips, Eden Elizabeth Lawson, and Joel Hunter.

You can send prayer requests for Prayers of the People in Sunday worship and/or to be added to the website prayer list to Rhonda (