Pray Without Ceasing...
for the Henika family as they grieve the death of Mary Jane, January 11, 2025. A memorial service with reception will be held on March 15 at 2pm at BPC.
for Elizabeth Day and her family as her cousin’s wife died Sunday night, January 12, from a traumatic brain injury after a car accident.
for a young mom of two small children who was just diagnosed with breast cancer.
for Ed Spencer as he recovers from an infection.
for all of those affected by the wildfires in California, especially those who have had to evacuate and those who have lost everything. We ask for God's protection for all those who are still in harm's way, particularly the first responders, and pray for strength for all those in the midst of crisis.
for our local and global community to support each other as we learn to be more aware of and seek to oppose racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, oppression and violence.
for those friends and members of BPC, and in our community who are struggling with physical and mental health challenges. May they and their loved ones feel comforted and supported.
for so many people throughout the world who live in areas of violent conflict. We are especially aware of those suffering in Palestine, Israel, the Ukraine, and Sudan. Guide the leaders to seek peaceful resolutions. Be with women and children who bear the biggest burdens, and church leaders who speak out against violence and for security and an end to fighting.
for our country. We pray that we find a just and peaceful way out of polarization and toward a better cultural appreciation of the complexity and plurality of a healthy democracy.
as losses from climate change accelerate all over the world. Give us courage, hope, imagination, motivation and insight to address climate warming. We pray for those who are most affected. Give us urgency and international unity of purpose and will in combating and mitigating climate trends. Help us love and protect our Creator's world.
for Dessa and Cobbie Palm, our mission partners in the Philippines, and their continued work with youth in the community through Youth Advocates Through Theater Arts (YATTA), clean water access, and sustainability of local resources.
for our partners and friends in CEDEPCA in Guatemala.
for our friends in Mulanje, Malawi, working to meet ongoing health, educational and food-producing needs.
for Randy and Sherry Ingham, Rachel Weaver, the Peeples family, Jeananne and Allen Bame, Steve and Marcia Andrews, Stan and Janne Mathes, Renee Lahn, Nancy Alexander, and Wilmoth O’Dell.
for those in the military: Luke Phillips, Eden Elizabeth Lawson, and Joel Hunter.
You can send prayer requests for Prayers of the People in Sunday worship and/or to be added to the website prayer list to Rhonda (