Opportunities to Serve
Caring Callers
Volunteers extend the visitation ministry of the Pastor and the Elders by paying brief visits to home-centered or ill members to offer a smile, a listening ear, a hug, or a prayer. An online chart makes it easy for callers to see who needs visiting, and to record visits they’ve made. If you are interested in paying occasional visits and enjoying some interesting conversation, please contact us at the bottom of this page. A brief annual training time includes valuable tips for everyone, not just Caring Callers. The training event will be noted on the church calendar. Please attend – you’ll be glad you did.
Casserole Care
With requests coordinated through email and online polls, volunteers provide occasional meals for those who need temporary help because of illness, grief, hospitalization, a new baby, or other special circumstances. If you are willing to cook, or pick up something at the grocery store, please contact us at the bottom of this page to be added to the list of volunteers.
Designated Drivers
Designated Drivers help our non-driving church members who need rides to church activities or medical appointments. Volunteers are needed for regular Sunday morning transportation and for occasional rides on weekdays. Coordination is by email and online polls. If you can provide either occasional or regular transportation, please contact us at the bottom of this page.
Memorial Service Receptions
Four teams coordinate food from volunteers and arrange reception settings, so that grieving families can gather and greet friends after a memorial service. Each team of 2-3 people plans between one and two receptions a year. If you would like to become part of a team, or you’re willing to contribute time or food, please contact us at the bottom of this page. Your care brings comfort.
Prayer Care
Praying for others is a very important way to care. Join others who gather each Tuesday morning in the BPC Prayer Room to offer corporate and individual prayer, or pray privately at home. Click here to see our prayer list. Contact us at the bottom of this page to request prayers for yourself or others.
If you would like more information or are interested in joining one of the many congregational care teams please fill out the form below.